Contemplation is a change in consciousness. It brings us to see the big picture. . .. to see beyond our own boundaries, beyond our own denominations, beyond even our own doctrines and dogmas and institutional self-interest, straight into the face of a mothering God from whose womb has come all the life that is. (Joan Chittister)
Christian Contemplative Ministries at St. Barnabas is about diving deep into the Heart of Divine Reality. Everyone has the capacity to engage in contemplation and grow deeper in their relationship with the Cosmic Christ. “You are made both of and for contemplation. It is the secret longing of your being. . . It is in the wilderness of your heart that you discover a reality beyond every religious form. (Beverly Lanzetta)
We invite you to learn how to live into the non-dual Reality of Divine Love. This ability is developed through conscious, intentional practice that we engage in together and follow individually when we are apart. Our practices engage heart, mind and body—the three centers of knowing for human beings.
Opportunities to practice and develop in Contemplative Wisdom include:
Centering Prayer
Contemplative Wisdom Gatherings
From October through May interested folks gather once a month on a Saturday morning to pray, study and engage in Wisdom practices based on the teachings of Jesus, as well as contemporary spiritual theologians such as Richard Rohr, Cynthia Bourgeault, Kabir Helminski, Lynn Bauman and others. The purpose of our monthly practice is to engage us in the inner work required to become human beings who contribute to the ongoing evolution of love in our communities and the world.
Click here for information about 2024 gatherings!
Open to all who are interested, please contact The Rev. Patricia Robertson ( for dates and scheduled readings, topics and ongoing practices. Our core practice is Centering Prayer which has been a gateway for many into this essential and much needed contemplative work. Please join us.
Our Labyrinth
A Labyrinth has been installed and blessed on the grounds of St. Barnabas, adjacent to the lower patio next to the parish hall (also called the Close), and is available for walking meditation at your convenience. There will be group opportunities for learning and walking provided periodically. Check here for any upcoming events.
From The Rev. Patricia Rome Robertson
I am so grateful to the Rector of St. Barnabas Church for inviting me to focus on the spiritual work that has meant so much to me for many years. I’ve been a regular practitioner of Contemplative Wisdom since 1998 when Thomas Keating came to the parish where I was serving for a weekend of teaching and practice of Centering Prayer. That practice, along with engagement of Wisdom School teachings with Cynthia Bourgeault, started me on the road of learning about the transformation that spiritual practice brings about in individuals and communities and yes, I believe, the world. This is important work, developing and awakening of the spiritual heart and body awareness that is embedded in all human beings but often lies dormant. Please feel free to email me at with questions about this ministry. Join us for a deepening of your life in Christ!
Patricia provides a periodic blog entitled “Along the Way”. You can access and subscribe here.