St. Barnabas Weekly e-Newsletter!
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Read our weekly e-newsletter to stay up to date with St. Barnabas!
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St. Barnabas Annual Meeting
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Please join us after the 10 a.m. service on Sunday, January 26 for our All–Parish Annual Meeting! We’ll share a light lunch, hear stories of the year gone by, and stories of the year to come. Finance Chair Borgan Anderson will present the state of finances and the vestry–approved budget for St. Barnabas in 2025 (it’s great news!), and Treasurer Kirk Eichenberger will present a financial overview of 2024, and the financial highlights of the year. We’ll hear a bit about the process for our transition to a new rector, elect new vestry members and convention delegates and say goodbye and thank you to those who have completed their terms of service. And we will thank God for the gift of this community and the work God has given us to do. Don’t miss it! |
Adult Faith Formation - Epiphany Book Study
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Wednesdays in February (5, 12, 19, 26) 6:30-8:30 p.m. St. Barnabas Library We live in challenging times of change and division. As Christians, we may be asking ourselves what God is calling us to do and to be. Beginning on the first Wednesday of February and continuing for the next 3 Wednesdays, we’ll meet to discuss the book Jesus and the Powers by N.T. Wright and Michael Bird. N.T. Wright is a former Anglican Bishop, professor emeritus of New Testament and a prolific author; Michael Bird is an Australian theology professor and author, and together they extend a call for Christians everywhere to discern the nature of Christian witness during times of political upheaval. Combining biblical scholarship with church history and political theology, the authors address topics such as Christian nationalism and the rise of political autocracies. Linda Maxson, Michael Fitzpatrick and Trip Duncan will facilitate the discussions. St. Barnabas has purchased several copies of the book. Please contact Linda Maxson,, if you are interested in participating and would like a copy. |
Seeking Lenten Devotional Writers
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As in years past, St. Barnabas will offer a devotional with scriptural reflections for each day of Lent and Holy Week, written by our very own parishioners and clergy. It is time to begin preparing our Lenten Devotional and we hope you’ll participate! With a bit of scripture as a prompt, writers have several weeks to pray about and work on your reflection. There’s really no limitation on style, only that you allow yourself to be open to the Holy Spirit’s movement in you throughout the process. Writers have described the experience of spiritual reflection and writing for this devotional as “engaging,” “very meaningful,” and “challenging, in a good way!”... all of which deepen their connection with God. If you would like to write for our devotional, please email the office, |
Family Ministries - Winter 2025
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Godly Play and Youth Group are back in action at St. B! We hope to see you there!
Godly Play | 9:45 a.m. | Grades PreK–5 Youth Group | 2–4 p.m. | Grades 6–12 Be sure to RSVP for February and March Youth Group Movie Nights! |
Youth Group Movie Nights
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All 6-12 graders are invited to our Second Saturday Youth Group Movie Nights! Bring your friends and join us in the Parish Hall for dinner and a movie. Be sure to RSVP so we can have enough food and treats for everyone! Little Women The Chronicles of Narnia |
Resources for the Strangers Among Us
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As Christians, our faith is shaped by the biblical story of people whom God led into foreign countries to escape oppression. Exodus tells us the story of the ancient Israelites escaping slavery in the land of Egypt and wandering in the wilderness without a home. In Leviticus 19:33-34, God commands that we remember this sojourn as part of our own story of faith: “When an alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt.”
The Episcopal Church has provided many resources for us to support and protect immigrants in our country, who are some of the most vulnerable among us. Click here to access those resources and to read the full statement from The Most Rev. Sean Rowe, Presiding Bishop and Julia Ayala Harris, President of the House of Deputies on recent Presidential Executive Orders. We must be prepared to protect our friends and neighbors as we are called to do by Jesus when he says, “‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me.’” Matthew 25:40 Please educate yourself about local resources in order to be an advocate to the lease among us: Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network, 844/724-3737 Northwest Immigrant Rights Project (legal assistance), 800/445-5771. Chinese Information & Service Center East African Community Services The International Rescue Committee in Seattle Jewish Family Services, 253/850-4065 Archdiocese of Seattle, 206/274-3194 Please spread these resources on your social media channels and among your friends and communities. |
St. Barnabas Prayer Chain
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Praying For Each Other: The St Barnabas Prayer Chain Is there someone for whom you would like us to pray? Would you like to pray for others in our community? The St. Barnabas Prayer Chain consists of a group of volunteers who believe in the power of prayer and who willingly and consistently pray for others. Drucy Burnet Hodge (, 206-780-2904) coordinates our chain, receiving requests for prayers, and sending those prayers out to the pray-ers. If you would like us to pray for you or someone you love, please contact Drucy. Read more... |
Join our St. Barnabas Members Facebook Group
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Fellowship and Fun on Facebook! With the goal to provide a space where church members can engage more readily with one another between Sundays and church events, we have created a St. Barnabas Bainbridge Island Members Facebook Group! This is a private group in which Facebook users must be approved to gain access. What can you do in this group? We’re so glad you asked! Read more... |
St. Barnabas Commercial Kitchen
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Rent Our Commercial Kitchen Today! Started as an Outreach program of St Barnabas, our kitchen is intended to serve new food industry businesses and help them establish themselves through lower than standard rental rates in a wonderful kitchen space. Local entrepreneurs, caterers, those dabbling in wholesale are all welcome to tour our facility. Tim Shelly our kitchen manager is here to help you with kitchen orientation, understanding our rental agreements and with kitchen scheduling. Interested in a tour or renting our kitchen? Read more... |